Jörg Becker, Nico Clever, Justus Holler, Maria Neumann Situation faced: A family-owned manufacturing company recently went through the transfer of management from the older to the younger family generation. A number of problems were uncovered during this process, such as prevalence of tacit knowledge, an inefficient decision-making process, outdated IT system support, and an urgent […]
Chapter: Process analysis
Why are process variants important in process monitoring? The Case of Zalando SE
Matthias Schrepfer, Matthias Kunze, Gunnar Obst, Juliane Siegeris Business process management is an established discipline that is widely used in industry. Many companies focus on established methods to design, analyze, control, and optimize their business processes and to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction and close alignment with IT systems (cf. Hammer 2010). Rapidly growing […]
The NESTT – Rapid Process Redesign at Queensland University of Technology
Michael Rosemann Situation faced: The higher education sector faces like most information-intensive industries an opportunity-rich, digital future. Nowadays, students demand contemporary, multi-channel learning experiences and fast evolving digital affordances provide universities with a growing design space for their future processes. Legislative changes, a globalizing market of learners and educational providers, and the emergence of new […]
Mining the Usability of Process-Oriented Business Software
Tom Thaler, Sabine Norek, Vittorio De Angelis, Dirk Maurer, Peter Fettke, Peter Loos Situation faced: The quality of the technical support of business processes plays an important role in the selection of corresponding software products. Against that background, software producers invest considerable capital and manpower in improving their business software’s usability with regard to customers’ […]
Improving St Andrew’s War Memorial Hospital Emergency Department Patient Flows Through Process Mining
Robert Andrews, Suriadi Suriadi, Moe Wynn, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede, Sean Rothwell Situation faced: Improving Emergency Department (ED) patient flows in terms of processing time, resource use, costs, and patient outcomes is a priority for health service professionals and is vital to the delivery of safe, timely, and effective patient care. Poor patient flows manifest […]
Exposing Insurance Claims Processing Impediments: Compulsory Third Party Insurance in Queensland
Robert Andrews, Moe Wynn, Arthur H.M ter Hofstede, Jingxin Xu, Kylie Horton, Paul Taylor, Sue Plunkett-Cole Situation faced: Processing injury-compensation claims, such as compulsory third party (CTP) claims, is complex, as it involves negotiations among multiple parties (e.g., claimants, insurers, law firms, health providers). Queensland’s CTP program is regulated by theMotor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC). […]
Hybrid Process Technologies in the Financial Sector – The Case of BRFkredit
Søren Debois, Thomas Hildebrandt, Morten Marquard, and Tijs Slaats Situation faced: Exformatics, a Danish adaptive case-management vendor, wanted to leverage declarative process tools to support the flexible processes found at BRFkredit. However, switching from the more common flow-based notations to a declarative notation brought new challenges in terms of understandability. We undertook the project described […]
Business Process Modeling of Quality System in a Petroleum Industry Company
John Krogstie, Merethe Heggset, Harald Wesenberg Situation faced: The petroleum industry is characterized by increased focus on safety and compliance with regulations, in addition to efficient operations. Earlier quality systems were represented in large binders of textual documents, which made important governing documentation difficult to access and unusable for operational personnel who wished to gain […]
Integrate Your Partners into Your Business Processes Using Interactive Forms: The Case of Automotive Industry Company HEYCO
Bernhard Schindlbeck, Peter Kleinschmidt Situation faced: The automotive industry company HEYCO-WERK Heynen GmbH & Co. KG (HEYCO) wanted to improve how it handled purchase order confirmations. Its purchase department spent a lot of time entering incoming purchase order confirmations from its vendors into its SAP system. This process had to be automated with the most […]
Automate does not always mean Optimize – Case Study at Logistics Company
Jan Suchy, Milan Suchy, Michal Rosik, Agnes Valkova Situation faced: Dynamic growth of digitized information creates space for the systematic collection of data related to business processes. Extraction of this data is an enormous challenge because of the existence of many systems, which store data in many formats. The logistics company examined here has fully […]