Robert Andrews, Suriadi Suriadi, Moe Wynn, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede, Sean Rothwell Situation faced: Improving Emergency Department (ED) patient flows in terms of processing time, resource use, costs, and patient outcomes is a priority for health service professionals and is vital to the delivery of safe, timely, and effective patient care. Poor patient flows manifest […]
Relate: Strategic Alignment
Exposing Insurance Claims Processing Impediments: Compulsory Third Party Insurance in Queensland
Robert Andrews, Moe Wynn, Arthur H.M ter Hofstede, Jingxin Xu, Kylie Horton, Paul Taylor, Sue Plunkett-Cole Situation faced: Processing injury-compensation claims, such as compulsory third party (CTP) claims, is complex, as it involves negotiations among multiple parties (e.g., claimants, insurers, law firms, health providers). Queensland’s CTP program is regulated by theMotor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC). […]
The case of “3” – Collaborative BPM for business transformations in telecommunications
Dr. Thomas Karle, Kurt Teichenthaler Many business changes in the telecommunications sector are initiated by mergers and acquisitions, and the fast pace of this sector requires that businesses adjust or extend business processes in a minimum of time. “3,” the mobile communication brand of CK Hutchison Holdings, whose headquarters are in Hong Kong, is a […]
BPM Adoption and Business Transformation at Snaga, a Public Company: Critical Success Factors for Five Stages of BPM
Andrej Kovačič, Gregor Hauc, Brina Buh, Mojca Indihar Štemberger Situation faced: Snaga is a Slovenian public company that provides a series of waste treatment services for 368,000 citizens of the Municipality of Ljubljana and ten other municipalities. In 2006, prior to adopting BPM and implementing a new information system, the company had obsolete and non-integrated […]
Managing Environmental Protection processes via BPM at Deutsche Bahn
Ingo Rau, Iris Rabener, Jürgen Neumann, Svetlana Bloching Situation faced: The law demands environmental compensation for interventions in nature and landscapes through the Federal Nature Conservation Act. Deutsche Bahn, one of the largest construction facilitators in Germany, encounters several hundred new such compensation obligations per year. Deutsche Bahn plans and develops compensation measures that usually […]
“Simply Modeling” – BPM from Everybody Recommendations from the Viral Adoption of BPM at 1&1
Florian Imgrund, Christian Janiesch, Christoph Rosenkranz Situation faced: 1&1 is a German Internet service provider that embraced business process management (BPM) in 2010 as a way to optimize its processes. The company expected BPM to increase corporate performance by realizing such customer-centric goals as high quality standards, reduced set-up times, shortened time-to-market cycles, and increased […]
Adoption of RFID Technology: The Case of Adler—A European Fashion Retail Company
Roland Leitz, Andreas Solti, Alexander Weinhard, Jan Mendling Situation faced: Adler Modemärkte AG (Adler hereafter) is a fashion retailer that operates mainly in the German-speaking countries. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, firstmovers in the fashion retail sector began to adopt RFIDtechnology.Adlermonitored this newtechnology and decided to adopt it in 2010, even though it […]
Enabling Flexibility of Business Processes Using Compliance Rules. The Case of Mobiliar
Thanh Tran Thi Kim, Erhard Weiss, Christoph Ruhsam, Christoph Czepa, Huy Tran, and Uwe Zdun Situation faced: Insurance case work can follow established procedures only to a certain degree, as the work depends upon experienced knowledge workers who decide the best solutions for their clients. To produce quality documents in such a knowledge-intensive environment, business […]
Exploring the Influence of Organizational Culture on BPM Success – The Experience of The Pernambuco Court of Accounts
Carina Alves, Iveruska Jatoba, George Valença, Gloria Fraga Situation faced: This chapter presents a cultural analysis of the BPM initiative conducted by a public organization, the Pernambuco Court of Accounts (TCE-PE). In particular, we look at how organizational culture influences the evolution of our BPM initiative. Action taken: We conducted in-depth interviews, observations, and docu- […]