University of Vienna, Austria, Faculty of Computer Science, Vienna, Austria,
Prof. Dr. Uwe Zdun is a full professor for software architecture at the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Vienna. Before that, he worked as assistant professor at the Vienna University of Technology and the Vienna University of Economics respectively. He received his doctoral degree from the University of Essen in 2002. His research focuses on software design and architecture, empirical software engineering, distributed systems engineering (service-based, cloud, mobile, and process-driven systems), software patterns, domain-specific languages, and model-driven development. Uwe has published more than 210 articles in peer-reviewed journals, conferences, book chapters, and workshops, and is co-author of the books “Remoting Patterns”, “Process-Driven”, and “Software-Architektur.” He has participated in 26 R&D projects. Uwe is editor of the journal Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming (TPLoP) published by Springer, Associate Editor of the Computing journal published by Springer, and Associate Editor-in-Chief for design and architecture for the IEEE Software magazine.