Prof. Dr. John Krogstie

NTNU, IDI, Department for Computer Science and Informatics, Trondheim, Norway,

Prof. John Krogstie (1967) received a M.Sc. in Information Systems from IDT, NTH in 1991 and has a Ph.D. in Information Systems (IDI, NTNU) from 1995. He was employed as a manager in Accenture 1991-2000. In 2000-2005 he was employed by the research institute SINTEF as senior researcher. Since 2005 he has been Full Professor at IDI, NTNU, focusing on enterprise and process modeling, quality of models and modeling languages, eGovernment, digital ecosystems, and mobile and ubiquitous information systems. Krogstie leads the faculty lighthouse on Open, Autonomous Digital Ecosystems (OADE), and the Wireless Trondheim Living Lab. Krogstie is currently secretary of IFIP WG 8.1 on Design and Evaluation of Information Systems (chair 2010-2015, vice-chair 2004-2009), and vice-chair of IFIP TC8. John Krogstie has published around 200 refereed papers in journals, books and archival proceedings since 1991.